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QuaverReady for Virginia

Helping Students Succeed in School

QuaverReady presents an innovative approach to social and emotional learning for Virginia teachers and counselors to teach PreK-5 students.

Foster growth and development with:

  • Pre K-5 online lessons
  • Interactive Song Catalog
  • Customization Capabilities
  • Optimized Search Engine
  • Online PD

Try it yourself! Access the entire program with a free 30-day preview!

“My students absolutely love the QuaverReady activities, and I can see the impact on their social skills daily. In my 22 years of being a school counselor, I have not seen another program with QuaverEd’s level of quality and depth.”

– Heather Eskridge, Rutherford County Schools, TN

Curriculum Overview

QuaverReady is aligned to CASEL competences with 35 weeks of lessons for elementary students. Our digital curriculum supports teachers, counselors, and SEL specialists with a comprehensive, year-long plan and easy-to-implement lessons.

Supplemental Resources

Utilize the Power of Music

Our songs engages students on an emotional level. Through music, students retain and internalize important SEL skills. SELMusic is a song resource library with hundreds of interactive activities to utilize the power of music.

Support Spanish-Speaking Students

With over 150 songs in English and Spanish, QuaverReady can be used in classrooms with students who speak Spanish. See how the songs align to CASEL competencies.

Easily Locate Lessons

QuaverReady’s Lesson Selection Menu makes lesson planning and teaching easier. Teachers can easily and quickly find lessons by grade level and competency.

Take Time for Brain Breaks

Take short and fun brain breaks with QuaverReady. Reduce stress, anxiety, and frustration with a break from whatever students are focusing on.

Evidence-Based Solutions

In a survey of QuaverReady educators, including classroom teachers, music teachers, school counselors, social workers, and district administrators, our team found that QuaverReady has numerous benefits.

A study of the effectiveness of QuaverReady found that students receiving instruction using QuaverReady achieved significantly greater growth in social and emotional skills than their peers who did not receive QuaverReady instruction.

Administrative Tools

Take Advantage of Customization Capabilities

With Resource Manager, teachers can:

  • Search for lessons based on topic or keyword.
  • Create interactive quizzes, slideshows, and video screens.
  • Import resources from the Internet.

Utilize Student Admin

Student Admin provides a collection of tools for classroom management. Educators can efficiently manage classroom attendance, grades, assignments, and student accounts across multiple classes.

Commitment to Growth

Since launching the digital teaching resources in 2019, QuaverReady has not stopped growing. With quarterly updates, our team has added more than 1,000 new resources and significantly improved the site’s functionality.

QuaverEd Support

The Power of Professional Development

We believe in unlocking educators’ potential with QuaverPD. Through our video tutorials, educators improve their skills, better student learning outcomes, and obtain PD credit. 

A Support Team just for You

With QuaverSupport, our educators are never alone. Our Customer Support Team is available via phone, email, and social media. Whether you’re in need of troubleshooting tips or struggling to use the product, our team is dedicated to providing solutions.

Get Involved in our Community!

Access QuaverReady with a free 30-day preview!