Welcome to QuaverEd! We provide several convenient methods for accessing your Quaver account after purchase. If you would like to purchase, please contact a sales rep here.
Need assistance? Contact integration@quavered.com or Customer Service at (866) 917-3633 or send us a message.
After purchase, you will receive an email that has a “Get Started” button. Click this and you will be taken to a page where you can:
- Enter your information.
- Create your username and password.
- Click Submit and you’ll be logged into your account!
You can now access your account at www.quavered.com/login using the username and password you created!
If you are renewing or purchasing additional Quaver products, our Sales and Customer Service teams will work to automatically renew your license with no additional effort on your part. In some cases, however, you may be required to manually enter the Teacher Access Code provided to you. To do so:
- Log in to your account.
- If your account has already expired, you will be prompted to enter the Teacher Access Code sent to you upon renewal.
- If your account is about to expire, select Help > Preferences > Teacher Access Code. Type in your new code and click OK. Note: You may need to log out and then log back in to view your registered account.
Single Sign-On (Auto-Registration)
Teachers and students can access their accounts using their Single Sign-On (SSO) platform. Our team can work with your district to auto-register accounts upon purchase. This convenient method allows users to access Quaver products without having to create account credentials.
First-time users should follow the steps below:
Open your SSO platform and a QuaverEd icon will appear. Click this and you will see a welcome screen with two options:
Click Create New QuaverEd Account if this is your first time using a Quaver product. This will auto-generate your account from the information provided from your district.
Click Link Existing QuaverEd Account if you have previously setup a Quaver account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password.
You can now access Quaver through your SSO platform!
Single Sign-On (Manual Registration)
Teachers and students can access their accounts using their Single Sign-On (SSO) platform. Our team can work with your district to integrate Quaver into your district’s SSO platform. This method requires teachers and students to manually setup their username and password upon first-time login.
First-time users should follow the steps below:
Open your SSO platform and a QuaverEd icon will appear. Click this and you will see a welcome screen with two options:
Click Create New QuaverEd Account if you have not setup a Quaver username and password.
- Select Teacher or Student.
- Enter the Teacher Access Code (Teacher) or Class Code (Student). Students should then skip to step 5.
- Teachers will be prompted to enter their personal information.
- Create your username and password.
- Click Submit to log in.
Click Link Existing QuaverEd Account if you have previously setup a Quaver account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password.
You can now access Quaver through your SSO platform!