
New Study: QuaverSEL significantly improves student SEL skills

Findings show conclusive evidence.

by Kristin Clark Taylor


The results of the independent study by SEG Measurement are in.  The evidence is clear and compelling:

Students who are taught using QuaverSEL resources achieve “significantly greater growth” in social and emotional skills than students who are not.

The popular curriculum, has both a mission and a mandate: To create a “culture of caring” in elementary classrooms throughout the nation and around the world.

A few highlights of the independently-conducted study:

  • The study compared social and emotional development between a treatment group of students who used QuaverSEL and a matched group of students who did not. Those who did use QuaverSEL demonstrated significantly greater social and emotional development.
  • The study revealed that QuaverSEL has a broad, positive, across-the-board impact; i.e., the benefits are equally effective with boys and girls, and with students of varied ethnic backgrounds.
  • Ninety percent of the teachers who participated in the qualitative evaluation reported they would definitely or probably use — and recommend — QuaverSEL in the future.

Learn more about what sets QuaverSEL apart from the rest at QuaverEd.com/sel.

When asked to respond to the results of the report, one educator was not at all surprised.  

Tyrone Thompkins, a school counselor at Crestview Elementary in Miami Gardens, Florida says, “I see the benefits QuaverSEL brings to my own students every single day, so I can’t say I’m all that surprised to hear about these results.”

Thompkins, who was not a part of the study, says he uses QuaverSEL, “as a tool that really helps me reach my students.”

“I’m going to just lay it out,” Thompkins continues. “Many of the students I see come from challenged backgrounds – single-family homes, foster homes, many live with their grandparents, many face economic challenges – so they’re walk into my office already trying to process and deal with strong emotions.”

“When we play some of the SEL songs and they have a chance to play some of the interactive games, it gives them comfort – especially my younger ones who might not be able to read the lessons all that well. In these days and times, having a safe space and the right tools to express your emotions is just really important.”

To be sure, the results of this new study arrive at a critical juncture in our history, as teachers and counselors throughout the nation and the world struggle with the pandemic-related challenges of reaching and teaching their students in a way that ensures their social and emotional well-being and growth.

“These are kind of dark times,” Thompkins says. “And I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I give my students everything they need to make it through.”

Thompkins is certainly not alone, as this new study suggests.


Kristin Clark Taylor is a journalist and author.

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