
Literacy and Book Resources in Quaver Pre-K

Quaver Pre-K offers many opportunities for teachers to introduce children to literacy and big ideas through relevant and engaging books.


A well-stocked book collection is an essential ingredient to a joyful Pre-K classroom. Having diverse literacy resources can nurture children’s motivation to read and introduce important print concepts necessary for reading. 

Reading aloud is a great practice incorporated daily in Quaver Pre-K with two times set aside specifically for whole-class read alouds. We also encourage teachers to set up a Reading/Writing center in the room. 

When you choose Quaver Pre-K, you can choose to include an English library (64 books) of children’s classics or an English and Spanish library of children’s classics (110 books). Each lesson plan recommends which book to read daily and includes pre-reading, during reading, and post-reading questions to discuss with your class. The libraries comprise titles chosen to develop specific skills like listening, vocabulary, and emergent reading comprehension in young learners. 

The children’s literature in our collection was chosen intentionally to represent a broad range of languages and cultures with an emphasis on diversity in race, ethnicity, geographical location, lead characters’ gender, and family customs and traditions. You can learn more about the included book collection here.

The books included in Quaver Pre-K are aligned with our weekly and monthly curriculum themes and support teacher choice and differentiation. Many of them are well-loved or award-winnings titles such as: 

  • The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
  • Are You My Mother?/¿eres Tú Mi Mamá? by P.D. Eastman
  • Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
  • Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker

Quaver also offers 8 original stories in English and Spanish available in both digital and physical formats. We also provide a list of over 170 books related to Quaver Pre-K themes. While each book has been carefully curated to align to the curriculum, we understand that there may be a classroom favorite that isn’t on the list and teachers are welcome to incorporate a title of their choice. 

We are very interested to learn what you’d like to read about in upcoming blog posts. Share your ideas or feel free to ask us any questions at Info@QuaverEd.com or make a post on our QuaverPreK Teachers Facebook Group!


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